Improvement rates of target indicators by prefectures

Information on health promotion plans of each prefecture, published by May 31, 2019, was obtained from the website of each local government.(1)

The improvement rate was higher than 50 % in 25 prefectures.

The improvement rate was calculated by the following formula;
improvement rate (%)=the number of improved target indicators/ the number of total target indicators×100.
Basically, priority was given to the information provided by local government. However, the assessment methods were different for each government. Thus, if the indicator value at the interim evaluation was closer to the target value compared to the baseline value, it was considered as “improved”.

The best 5 prefectures for improvement rate

Prefecture Title of Prefectures Health Promotion Plans Total number of target indicators The number of indicators with an improvement Improvement rate
Tokushima Health Tokushima 21 62 44 71.0
Hyogo Hyogo Health Promotion and Implementation Plan 47 32 68.1
Shiga Healthy and Active 21 ~Healthy Shiga Promotion Plan 53 36 67.9
Ishikawa Ishikawa Health Frontier Strategy 58 37 63.8
Iwate Health Iwate 21 Plan (the second term) 60 38 63.3

The best 10 targets for improvement rate

The indicators with higher improvement rate, such as participation rates of health checkups, tend to be related to improvement of socioenvironmental factors.

Target indicators The number of prefectures to set the indicator The number of prefectures with improvement of the indicator. Improvement rate
Over 80% of 3-year-old children have no dental caries 45 40 88.9
Reduction in suicide rate. 42 36 85.7
12-year-old children have less than 1 dmft ( the mean decayed, missing, and filled teeth) 45 38 84.4
Increase in percentage of individuals who participated in dental check-up during the past year 40 33 82.5
Increase in number of corporations that deal with
health promotion and educational activities
15 12 80.0
Reduction in age-adjusted mortality rate of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) 44 35 79.5
Increase in percentage of 80-year-old individuals with over 20 teeth remaining 44 34 77.3
Reduction in number of definite and at-risk people with metabolic syndrome 44 11 25.0
Increase in participation rates of specified health checkups and specified health guidance 43 30 69.8
Reduction in complications (number of patients newly introduced to dialysis due to diabetic nephropathy) 42 20 47.6

The indicators with lower improvement rate

The indicators with lower improvement rate tend to be indicators that were set for individuals.

Target indicators The number of prefectures to set the indicator The number of prefectures with improvement of the indicator. Improvement rate
Increase in consumption of vegetables and fruits 47 10 21.3
Increase in percentage of individuals maintaining ideal body weight (Reduction in percentage of obese individuals [BMI 25 and more] and
underweight individuals [BMI less than 18.5])
44 7 15.9
Increase in percentage of individuals who eat balanced diet with staple food, main dish and side dish more than twice a day 28 4 14.3
Reduction in percentage of individuals who do not take rest through sufficient sleep 47 5 10.6
Increase in daily number of steps 45 2 4.4
(1) Matsumoto M et al. Jpn J Nutr Diet. 2020. 78. (3) 121-130.