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Section of International Nutrition Research and Development

Section of Biostatistical Research

Section of Training and Partnership

Unit for International Collaboration on Nutrition and Physical Activity

Section of International Nutrition Research and Development
1. Promotion of collaborative research with research institutes in the field of health and nutrition in Asian and Pacific countries.

2. Promotion of cooperation and collaboration with international organizations (e.g. WHO).

3. Fellowship/training program for human resource deveopment
"NIHN Fellowship Program for Asian Researchers" started in 2004, in which we accept 1-3 researchers annually. In addition, we organize training courses based on request from the WHO and JICA etc.

4. Organization of international symposium
The main international symposium hosted by the NIHN is "Asian Network Symposium on Nutrition", which has been held biyearly so as to establish the network with research institutes in Asia.

5. Information for foreign institutes/researchers
The information on the research activities at the NIHN as well as Japanese health and nutrition policies is available in English on the NIHN website.
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