Independent administrative agency National Institute Health and Nutrition
ResearchNewsAbout us

Section of International Nutrition Research and Development

Section of Biostatistical Research

Section of Training and Partnership

Unit for International Collaboration on Nutrition and Physical Activity

Section of Biostatistical Research
This section undertakes the basic and applied research so as to develop collaborative research/project by working with private sectors and academic bodies. We also carry out research for policy evaluation utilizing evidence on health and nutrition. Our research themes include;

1) Establishment of the methodology for monitoring the health and nutritional status of Japanese using the National Health and Nutrition Survey and gHealth Checkup Specially Programmed against Metabolic Syndrome Followed by Specific Health Counselingh, following formulation of the 2nd Health Japan 21.

2) Development of simulation model for future prediction of mortality and morbidity of lifestyle-related diseases, based on the data of the National Health and Nutrition Survey etc.
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