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マンスリーレポート(2020年)     2018年 2019年 2021年 2022年 2023年 2024年

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笠岡(坪山)宜代: 国際栄養情報センター: ストーリーでわかる 災害時の食支援Q&A―基礎から給食施設・被災地での対応まで―: 2020.10: 建帛社


A Prospective Cohort Study of Muscular and Performance Fitness and Incident Glaucoma: The Niigata Wellness Study
Kawakami R、Gando Y、Kato K、Sawada SS、Momma H、Miyachi M、Blair SN、Tashiro M、Horikawa C、Matsubayashi Y、Yamada T、Fujihara K、Sone H: 身体活動研究部: J Phys Act Health: 13: 1-8, 2020.10.22 PubMed

Association between diet-related greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient intake adequacy among Japanese adults
Sugimoto M、Murakami K、Fujiwara A、Asakura K、Masayasu S、Sasaki S: 栄養疫学・食育研究部: PLoS One.: 15(10): e0240803, 2020.10.23 PubMed

Cut-offs for calf circumference as a screen-ing tool for low muscle mass: WASEDA’S Health Study
Kawakami R、Miyachi M、Sawada SS、Torii S、Midorikawa T、Tanisawa K、Ito T、Usui C、Ishii K、Suzuki K、Sakamoto S、Higuchi M、Muraoka I、Oka K: 身体活動研究部: Geriatr. Gerontol. Int.: 20(10): 943-950, 2020.10.1 PubMed

Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
GBD 2019 Risk Factors Collaborators、Ikeda N: 国際栄養情報センター: Lancet: 396(10258): 1223-1249, 2020.10.17 PubMed

Impact of obesity on underreporting of energy intake in type 2 diabetic patients: Clinical Evaluation of Energy Requirements in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus (CLEVER-DM) study
Miyazawa I、Morino K、Fuse K、Kondo K、Ohi A、Nishida K、Kurihara M、Yasuhara S、Nakanishi N、Nishida Y、Nakae S、Yamada Y、Tanaka S、Ebine N、Sasaki S、Katsukawa F、Sasaki M、Ugi S、Maegawa H: 栄養・代謝研究部: Clin Nutr ESPEN: 39: 251-254, 2020.10 PubMed

Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
GBD 2019 Universal Health Coverage Collaborators、Ikeda N: 国際栄養情報センター: Lancet: 396(10258): 1250-1284, 2020.10.17 PubMed

Objectively Measured Daily Step Counts and Prevalence of Frailty in 3,616 Older Adults
Watanabe D、Yoshida T、Watanabe Y、Yamada Y、Kimura M、Kyouto-Kameoka Study Group: 身体活動研究部: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: 00: 1-9, 2020.10 PubMed

Random forest algorithms for recognizing daily life activities using plantar pressure information: a smart-shoe study
Ren Dian、Aubert-Kato Nathanael、Anzai Emi、Ohta Yuji、Tripette Julien: 身体活動研究部: PeerJ: : 1-30, 2020.10.28: Background: Wearable activity trackers are regarded as a new opportunity to deliver health promotion interventions. Indeed, while the prediction of active behaviors is currently primarily relying on the processing of accelerometer sensor data, the emergence of smart clothes with multi-sensing capacities is offering new possibilities. Algorithms able to process data from a variety of smart devices and classify daily life activities could therefore be of particular importance to achieve a more accurate evaluation of physical behaviors. This study aims to (1) develop an activity recognition algorithm based on the processing of plantar pressure information provided by a smart-shoe prototype and (2) to determine the optimal hardware and software configurations. Method: Seventeen subjects wore a pair of smart-shoe prototypes composed of plantar pressure measurement insoles, and they performed the following nine activities: sitting, standing, walking on a flat surface, walking upstairs, walking downstairs, walking up a slope, running, cycling, and completing office work. The insole featured seven pressure sensors. For each activity, at least four minutes of plantar pressure data were collected. The plantar pressure data were cut in overlapping windows of different lengths and 167 features were extracted for each window. Data were split into training and test samples using a subject-wise assignment method. A random forest model was trained to recognize activity. The resulting activity recognition algorithms were evaluated on the test sample. A multi hold-out procedure allowed repeating the operation with 5 different assignments. The analytic conditions were modulated to test (1) different window lengths (1–60 seconds), (2) some selected sensor configurations and (3) different numbers of data features. Results: A window length of 20 s was found to be optimum and therefore used for the rest of the analysis. Using all the sensors and all 167 features, the smart shoes predicted the activities with an average success of 89%. “Running” demonstrated the highest sensitivity (100%). “Walking up a slope” was linked with the lowest performance (63%), with the majority of the false negatives being “walking on a flat surface” and “walking upstairs.” Some 2- and 3-sensor configurations were linked with an average success rate of 87%. Reducing the number of features down to 20 does not alter significantly the performance of the algorithm. Conclusion: High-performance human behavior recognition using plantar pressure data only is possible. In the future, smart-shoe devices could contribute to the evaluation of daily physical activities. Minimalist configurations integrating only a small number of sensors and computing a reduced number of selected features could maintain a satisfying performance. Future experiments must include a more heterogeneous population. PubMed



吉村英一: 栄養・代謝研究部: HEALTH NETWORK: 37 (8): 8-9, 2020.10: 公益社団法人日本フィットネス協会

知ってほしいな、栄養素 F葉酸
西島千陽、千葉剛: 食品保健機能研究部: 食育フォーラム: 20(10): 42-43, 2020.10.1: 健学社



The current targets and their interim evaluation status of prefectural health promotion plans in Japan
Matsumoto M: 栄養疫学・食育研究部: The 2020 Korea-Japan Symposium: 2020.10.16


Evaluating government policies and actions for Japanese food environments
山口美輪、西信雄: 国際栄養情報センター: 第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会: 2020.10.20: オンライン開催

新杉知沙、瀧本秀美: 栄養疫学・食育研究部: 第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会: 2020.10: 京都(オンライン開催)

種村菜奈枝、柿崎 真沙子、小野寺 理恵、漆原 尚巳: 食品保健機能研究部: 第42回日本臨床栄養学会総会/第41回日本臨床栄養協会総会 臨床栄養 第18回大連合大会: 2020.10: 新潟(オンライン開催)

加藤浩樹、池田奈由、杉山雄大、由田克士、西信雄: 国際栄養情報センター: 第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会: 2020.10.20: 京都市(オンライン開催)

池田奈由: 国際栄養情報センター: 第42回日本臨床栄養学会総会・第41回日本臨床栄養協会総会 第18回大連合大会: 2020.10.19: 新潟市(オンライン開催): 合同シンポジウム1(日本疫学会共催)「日本人の食生活と生活習慣病〜わが国の栄養疫学のこれまでと今後」 Web視聴期間:令和2年10月19日〜11月2日

市民参画型のリスクコミュニケーション デザイン開発に向けた検討
種村菜奈枝、千葉剛、藤井 仁、小野寺 理恵、柿崎 真沙子、漆原 尚巳 : 食品保健機能研究部: 第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会: 2020.10: 京都(オンライン開催)

池田奈由、加藤浩樹、西信雄: 国際栄養情報センター: 第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会: 2020.10.20: 京都市(オンライン開催)

伊藤夕賀子、笠岡(坪山)宜代、中谷久恵、藤田麻理子、菅井敏行: 国際栄養情報センター: 第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会: 2020.10: OnLine開催

東日本大震災被災高齢者における居住形態と貧血発症の関連:The RIAS Study
坪田 恵、宮川尚子、佐々木 亮平、鈴木 るり子、丹野 高三、下田 陽樹、西信雄、坂田 清美: 国際栄養情報センター: 第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会: 2020.10: オンライン開催

森山信彰、大平哲也、前田正治、矢部博興、三浦至、高橋敦史、針金まゆみ、堀越直子、岡崎可奈子、宮地元彦、丸藤祐子、神谷研二、安村誠司: 身体活動研究部: 第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会: 2020.10.20


種村菜奈枝: 食品保健機能研究部: 健康と食品懇話会: 2020.10: 東京

千葉剛: 食品保健機能研究部: 静岡県立大学大学院特別講義: 2020.10.30: 静岡(Web)


フードテック×宇宙 日本の食は世界の先端を走れるか?
笠岡(坪山)宜代: 国際栄養情報センター: マイナビニュース(web記事): 2020.10.2

笠岡(坪山)宜代: 国際栄養情報センター: 西日本新聞: 2020.10.16