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1. メンバー

○プロジェクトリーダー 岡 正啓
○プロジェクトサブリーダー 宮本 洋一
○特任研究員 安原(垣内)徳子、盛山 哲嗣、山田 幸司
○共同研究者 米田 悦啓
○技術補助員 大谷 真弓、生野 雄大
○事務補助員 原山 雅子
○研修生 辻井 聡







    (1) 核-細胞質間物質輸送の視点にたった、がんをはじめとする疾患の本態解明

    (2) 核-細胞質間物質輸送の分子メカニズムを基盤とした新規薬剤の探索ならびに効果的な疾患治療技術の開発

4. 最近の代表的な発表論文

•Kimoto C, Moriyama T, Tsujii A, Igarashi Y, Obuse C, Miyamoto Y, Oka M, Yoneda Y. (2015) Functional characterization of importin α8 as a classical nuclear localization signal receptor. Biochim Biophys Acta. ,1853,:2676-2683.

•Moriyama T., Percival A.P., Yamaguchi D., Obuse C., Miyamoto Y., Oka M., Yoneda Y. (2015) Identification and characterization of a nuclear localization signal of TRIM28 that overlaps with the HP1 Box. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 462: 201–207

•Sangel, P., Oka, M. and Yoneda, Y. (2014) The role of importin-βs in the maintenance and lineage commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells. FEBS Open Bio, 4: 112-120

•Yasuhara, N., Yamagishi, R., Arai, Y., Mehmood, R., Kimoto, C., Fujita, T., Touma, K., Kaneko, K., Kamikawa, Y., Moriyama, Y., Yanagida, T., Kaneko, H. and Yoneda, Y. (2013) Importin alpha subtypes determine differential transcription factor localization in embryonic stem cells maintenance. Dev. Cell, 26: 123-135

•Mizuguchi-Hata, C., Ogawa, Y., Oka, M. and Yoneda Y. (2013) Quantitative regulation of nuclear pore complex components by O-GlcNAcylation. BBA-Molecular Cell Research, 1833: 2682-2689

•Tanaka, S., Nakano, K., Sekimoto, T., Oka, M. and Yoneda, Y. (2013) Cell density-dependent nuclear accumulation of ELK3 is involved in suppression of PAI-1 expression. Cell Struct. Funct. 38: 145-154

•Oka, M., Moriyama, T., Asally, M., Kawakami, K. and Yoneda, Y. (2013) Differential role for transcription factor Oct4 nucleocytoplasmic dynamics in somatic cell reprogramming and self-renewal of embryonic stem cells. J. Biol. Chem., 288: 15085-15097

•Nagai, M. and Yoneda. Y. (2012) Downregulation of the small GTPase Ras-related nuclear protein accelerates cellular ageing. BBA-General Subjects, 1830: 2813-2819

•Miyamoto, Y., Loveland, K. L. and Yoneda, Y. (2012) Nuclear importin α and its physiological importance. Commun. Integr. Biol., 5:220-222

•Ogawa, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Oka, M., and Yoneda, Y. (2012) The interaction between importin-α and Nup153 promotes importin-α/β-mediated nuclear import. Traffic, 13:934-946

•Yasuda, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Yamashiro, T., Asally, M., Masui, A., Loveland, K.L. and Yoneda, Y. (2012) Nuclear retention of importin α coordinates cell fate through changes in gene expression. EMBO J., 31: 83-94

•Sekimoto T and Yoneda Y. (2012) Intrinsic and extrinsic negative regulators of nuclear protein transport processes. Genes Cells, 17: 525-35

5. お問い合わせ


6. 細胞核輸送ダイナミクスプロジェクトHP

