
Plan details by prefecture"Shinano Comprehensive Health Preservation and Treatment Plan - Aiming for the World's Top "Health and Longevity""別ウィンドウで開きます
(●: item matches national goal; ○: item is particular to that prefecture)
Health Japan 21 (the second term) Nagano
Table 5 (1) Nutrition and dietary habits (1) Increase in percentage of individuals maintaining ideal body weight (Reduction in percentage of obese individuals [BMI 25 and more] and underweight individuals [BMI less than 18.5]) ● Increase in percentage of individuals maintaining ideal body weight (Reduction of obese and underweight individuals)
(2) Increase in percentage of individuals who consume appropriate quality and quantity of food (a) Increase in percentage of individuals who eat balanced diet with staple food, main dish and side dish more than twice a day
(b) Decrease in mean salt intake
(c) Increase in consumption of vegetables and fruits (increase mean daily intake of vegetables, decrease the percentage
of individuals who consume fruit less than 100 g per day)
● Increase in percentage of individuals who eat balanced diet with staple food, main dish and side dish more than twice a day
● Decrease in mean salt intake
● Increase in consumption of vegetables and fruits (increase mean daily intake of vegetables, decrease the percentage of individuals who consume fruit less than 100 g per day)
(3) Increase in dining with family regularly (decrease in percentage of children who eat alone) ○ Increase the percentage of people who enjoy eating meals with at least two family members or friends (breakfast/dinner)
(4) Increase in number of corporations in food industry that supply food product low in salt and fat ● Increase in number of corporations in food industry that supply food product low in salt and fat (food companies, restaurants)
(5) Increase in percentage of specific food service facilities that plan, cook, and evaluate and improve nutritional content of menu based on the needs of clients (increase percentage of facilities staffed with registered/non-registered dietitians) ● Increase in percentage of specific food service facilities that plan, cook, and evaluate and improve nutritional content of menu based on the needs of clients
Table 3 (2) Children's health (1) Increase in percentage of children who maintain healthy lifestyle (nutrition, dietary habits, physical activity) (a) Increase in percentage of children who eat three meals a day
(b) Increase in percentage of children who exercise regularly
○ Increase the percentage of children/students who eat breakfast every day
● Increase in percentage of children who exercise regularly (at least 3 times per week and excluding physical education lessons at school)
(2) Increase in percentage of children with ideal body weight (a) Reduction in percentage of low birth weight infants
(b) Reduction in percentage of children who tend to be obese
● Restraint of the increase in low birth weight infants
○ Reduce the percentage of children at risk for obesity (obesity level over 20%)
○ Maintain current percentage of children showing signs of being underweight (obesity level under -20%)
Table 3 (3) Health of elderly people (4) Restraint of the increase in undernourished elderly (BMI under 20) ● Maintain current percentage of undernourished elderly (BMI under 20)
○ Reduce the percentage of people in need of preventative care programs (secondary prevention services) Improve nutrition
○ Increase the number of cities that have initiatives for the nutrition improvement aspect of secondary preventative care programs Day-service type (individual nutrition improvement) Home-visit type (nutrition improvement (except for meal delivery assistance)
○ Provide information about eating habit improvement as well as examples of progress and good work in preventative care programs
Others (items particular to that prefecture) Breakfast skipping (excluding children) ○ Reduce the rate of missed breakfasts (prevent increases among women in their 30s)
The use and application of nutritional information ○ Increase usage rates of food products that display nutritional information
○ Increase the percentage of people who use displayed nutritional information to determine the appropriate quantity for a meal
○ Increase the percentage of restaurants that display things such as nutritional information and the Food Guide
○ Hold workshops to increase the number of restaurants that offer menus that promote health
○ Provide information about the Food Guide and nutrition via supplementary classes for individuals responsible for food sanitation
Nutrition education ○ Increase the usage rate for the Food Guide
○ Maintain the current percentage of nurseries and kindergartens that are systematically advancing nutrition education
○ Maintain the current percentage of elementary and middle schools that are systematically advancing nutrition education
○ Increase the percentage of established municipal nutrition education promotion plans
○ Implement the Nagano Health and Longevity Citizen Movement to Reduce Sodium
○ Hold the Shinano Food Education Citizen Meeting
○ Hold the Shinano Food Education Citizen Convention
○ Hold area coordination meetings
Training and utilization of human resources ○ Increase the number of volunteers for nutrition education
○ Hold workshops for municipal registered dietitians
○ Hold workshops for nutrition education volunteers; hold workshops for Promoting Better Eating Habits members; hold leadership workshops and training classes
○ Hold workshops for specific food service facilities
○ Maintain the current numbers of traveling guidance dates for specific food service facilities