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Section of Physical Activity Assessment

Exercise and Physical Activity Reference for Health Promotion 2006 (EPAR2006)
The Ministry of Health. Labour and Welfare, Japan reviewed the "Recomended Exercise Allowances for Health Promotion (1989)" and set reference values for physical activity, exercise and physical fitness for Japanese aged 20-69 years. Specifically, for individuals who intend to promote health mainly through physical activity, a daily walk of 8,000 to 10,000 steps is set as the target. For those who rely on exercise for health promotion, the target was set at 35 min of jogging or playing tennis or one hour of brisk walking every week.

Exercise and Physical Activity Reserence for Health Promotion 2006 (English)(PDF)
Exercise and Physical Activity Reserence for Health Promotion 2006 (Chinese)(PDF)
Exercise and Physical Activity Reserence for Health Promotion 2006 (Korean)(PDF)

Exercise and Physical Activity Reference
for Health Promotion 2006
~ Physical Activity, Exercise and Physical Fitness~

Office for Lifestyle-related Diseases Control
General Affairs Division, Health Service Bureau
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

1.1. This report, which concerns the quantity of physical activity and exercise for health promotion, specifically for preventing lifestyle-related diseases, is promulgated by the “Preparation Committee for the Recommended Exercise Allowance and Exercise Guidelines” that was established on August 8, 2005. The basis for the report was the “Recommended Exercise Allowances for Health Promotion” compiled in 1989, utilizing the latest scientific findings.
2.2. The content of this report differs markedly from the Recommended Exercise Allowances for Health Promotion established in 1989, with the emphasis placed on the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Some of the outstanding features in the report are: (1) both domestic and overseas publications were thoroughly examined (systematic review) and the references for the quantity of physical activity, exercise and physical fitness (maximal oxygen uptake) are indicated; and (2) the relationship between the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases and physical fitness (including muscle strength) was also evaluated.
3.3. Reference values for the quantity of physical activity and exercise for health promotion

(1) Quantity of physical activity: 23 METs・hour/week

(Equivalent of an activity lasting approximately 60 min per day at an intensity of
3 METs. If the activity is composed mainly of walking, the quantity is equivalent to 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day)

(2) Quantity of exercise: 4 METs・hours/week

(e.g., 60 min of fast walking or 35 min of jogging or playing tennis)

4.4. Reference values for the maximal oxygen uptake for health promotion by gender and age (mL・kg-1・min-1)
20-29 yrs 30-39 yrs 40-49 yrs 50-59 yrs 60-69 yrs
Male 40 38 37 34 33
Female 33 32 31 29 28

5. This report incorporates the latest scientific findings concerning the relationship between health and physical activity, exercise and physical fitness. To amass new findings that may emerge later, including findings on questions that have not been elucidated, it is necessary to continue studies, acquire new scientific findings and periodically update this report.
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